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Amanda Taylor
Tech Support Engineer
Personable tech support representative with 4+ years of experience analyzing issues with drone hardware and software. Achieved company-hight retention rate of 99.32% Seeking to ignite career with the team at Inter Drones.
Silver RoboticsTier 2 Tech Support SpecialistJan 2011Dec 2016
Key Responsibilities
- Mentored a fast-paced team of 12+ technical support specialists.
Key Achievements
- Achieved company-high customer retention rate of 99.32%
- Quickly promoted from Tier 1 to the Tier 2 team due to extensive knowledge of help desk ticketing system and help desk software.
Boston LogisticsSecretarial AssistantJan 2010Dec 2010
Key Responsibilities
- Managed and delegated phone and online tickets for clients.
- Encouraged and influenced potential clients on company portfolio decisions, cutting down on false leads.
- Instituted customer promotional survey to access brand demand, which soon became adopted company-wide.
Key Achievements
- Implemented storage solution leading to 17% cost reduction.
Columbia School of JournalismNew York, NYSep 2017Now
- Majoring in Investigative Journalism
- Expected Graduation in 2020