Приклад резюме для Attorney, Lawyer англійською мовою

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Редагувати це резюме
Lawyer: зразок резюме юриста, адвоката англійською



Rutgers University School of Law - Newark, NJ

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Monmouth University - West Long Branch, NJ


Criminal defense expertise

Excellent research and writing skills

Personal Injury Plaintiff and Defense experience

Outstanding public speaker

Adam Cromwell



Attorney with broad litigation experience equipped with excellent persuasion techniques and utmost professionalism.



Law Office of Ronald J. Brandmayr
October 2005Present
  • Represented clients in criminal and quasi-criminal, civil and disorderly person cases, including personal injury matters, family law, juvenile matters, contract disputes.
  • Represented clients in appeals to Appellate Division and NJ Supreme Court.
  • Developed strategies and arguments in preparation for presentation of cases.
  • Presented key evidence and exhibits during civil trials.
  • Questioned and cross-examined witnesses in trials, hearings, and depositions.
  • Researched legal issues using Westlaw and Lexis research programs.
  • Drafted legal briefs in summary judgment cases, motions to dismiss, etc.

Associate Attorney

Brickfield & Donahue
March 2003October 2005
  • Represented clients in criminal and civil matters.
  • Researched, wrote and filed motions and briefs for cases.
  • Analyzed probable outcomes of cases using knowledge of legal precedents.
  • Tried cases in municipal court.